And the Award for worst Season box set of the year goes to...
I love this show and have waited with baited breath ever since DVDs hit the market for it to become available. Finally in May of this year Anchor Bay announced that they had made a deal with Carsey-Werner to distribute the show and I almost fell over backwards with glee!!! I preordered the DVD and was on the verge of making a calendar to count down the days, but I decided I wasn't quite that sad.
However the sun was about to set on my joy as lo and behold it has become known that they are the syndication prints on the DVDs so are missing in some cases up to 3 minutes of footage each as THIS review will clarify.
Wow, DVD companies really do know how to keep my money in my pocket don't they! I encourage everyone to avoid this DVD at all costs, even if I do love it!
A glimmer of hope there may be though as the R1 DVDs running time currently stands at 505 minutes and the press release for the UK version has a time of 502 minutes. Now PAL speed up would shorten the running time by much more than 3 minutes, so potentially could there be more footage per episode? Or is it more likely that it's an Anchor bay balls up. Unfortunately the latter is more likely.
Also there is still hope, the official word from Anchor Bay is that Carsey Werner would only allow then the syndication prints even though Anchor Bay did want to release the full episodes, the same applied to 3rd Rock from the Sun which has also been edited on the R1 DVDs, for the same reason Carsey-Werner would not allow them to have the uncut prints. However 3rd Rock from the Sun is already available in the UK and they are 100% uncut, they even managed to clear the James Earl Jones rights for the voiceover! So could this mean that Carsey-Werner have different policies for releasing their product to different countries? If so the UK could get lucky with unedited episodes of Roseanne after all! Here's hoping!